What Does an HVAC Service Technician Do?


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Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are designed to ensure a comfortable environment in homes and businesses. They work by pulling hot air out of the space and replacing it with cooler air from the outdoors. HVAC technicians install, repair, maintain and troubleshoot these systems.

The career path to an HVAC technician requires a combination of education, training and hands-on experience. It also requires that HVAC technicians stay abreast of technology advancements, regulations, installation/maintenance requirements and new equipment - both smart and "green" technologies - as they are introduced to the market.


The lancaster hvac company technicians work on a variety of residential and commercial systems, including central heating and cooling systems. Their duties include inspecting and repairing air conditioning units, furnaces and boilers as well as installing new or replacing outdated systems.

They also perform maintenance on a range of air handling equipment, such as fans and air cleaners, and clean and service the ductwork of the system. They also handle the cleaning and inspection of filters and air quality monitoring devices.

A typical HVAC technician's day begins early in the morning, when he learns what tasks and service calls he will have to complete that day. Once he has his list of jobs, he pulls together the tools and supplies that will be necessary to accomplish them.

As he walks around the home or business, he takes note of any issues that he spots. For example, if he notices that the condensate drain on the furnace is clogged with dirt and debris, he will clear it away and inspect the unit for any other visible problems.

He will also look at the air filter to make sure that it is clean and free from any dust or other particles. He will then replace it if necessary to ensure that your indoor air quality is not compromised.

Other important parts of the system are inspected to determine if they need to be repaired or replaced, including the fan motor and blades. A technician will also check the electrical connections and lubricate the necessary components to reduce resistance and increase energy efficiency; click here to learn more.

Depending on the type of HVAC system, the technician may have to clean or replace the air filter as well. This is an important step to ensure that your indoor air quality is not affected by dust, pollen or other contaminants.

Some systems also include humidifiers and air purifiers to adjust the humidity levels in the air. They may also feature an electronic thermostat that allows the user to set specific temperatures or other criteria that trigger the necessary components to begin working.

Performing routine maintenance on your home's HVAC system can help you save money by keeping it operating at its peak performance level. Moreover, it can catch any small issues that are less costly to fix and avoid larger repairs down the road.